Jan 30, 2022
Being a "peacemaker" does not mean that we avoid hardship in this world...It does mean we avoid hardship in our soul. A peacemaker strives to be what Jesus teaches in the Beatitudes - To be humble, repentant, meek, one who pursues righteousness, merciful, and pure in heart. The result then, is peace. Not as the world...
Jan 23, 2022
Holiness is a word that needs to become popular once again!
To be "pure in heart" is to strive to live a holy life. How do we do this? We make every effort to walk in right relationship with God as outlined by Jesus in the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes give us a roadmap for holiness and to be "pure in heart." What is...
Jan 17, 2022
Mercy is not self seeking. We do not show mercy to someone so we will receive it back. We show mercy because it is right living and it is what God requires of us. We show mercy because God shows mercy to us each day. And God is wise in what He requires of us. Not showing mercy and holding on to wrongdoing often harms us...
Jan 9, 2022
Is your ambition to reflect God’s glory or your own glory? It is a good question to consider. If we seek our own glory, we negate the kind of righteous living that satisfies us. If we pursue a relationship with God where we seek to align ourselves with the character of God, we will be satisfied. It may not be easy,...